Quantum vs Classical Computing: Where We Stand Today


While both quantum and classical computers have their strengths and weaknesses, they’re currently at vastly different stages of development. Here’s a breakdown of their current progress:

Classical Computing:

  • Mature: Established technology with decades of development.
  • Widely used: Handles everyday tasks like web browsing, video games, and scientific simulations.
  • Reliable: Low error rates allow for accurate calculations.
  • Scalable: Can be easily built with large numbers of transistors for increased processing power.
  • Limitations: Struggles with complex problems involving large datasets or intricate interactions.

Quantum Computing:

  • Early stage: Still under development, with research focusing on overcoming technical hurdles.
  • Limited applications: Currently not suitable for everyday tasks, but shows promise in specific areas like materials science, drug discovery, and financial modeling.
  • High error rates: Qubits (quantum bits) are susceptible to errors, making calculations unreliable for most purposes.
  • Difficult to scale: Building and maintaining large-scale quantum computers is challenging.
  • Potential: Offers unique capabilities like superposition and entanglement for tackling problems beyond classical computers’ reach.

Current Progress:

  • Quantum computers:
    • Achieving milestones in specific algorithms like Shor’s factoring and Grover’s search, showcasing the potential for cryptography and database searching.
    • Companies like IBM, Google, and Honeywell are building increasingly powerful and accessible quantum machines.
    • Error correction techniques are being developed to improve qubit reliability.
  • Classical computers:
    • Continuously improving in performance through miniaturization, parallelization, and new architectures.
    • Still the dominant force in computing for practical applications.

Future Outlook:

  • Quantum computers likely won’t replace classical ones entirely, but rather act as specialized tools for specific problems.
  • Achieving “quantum supremacy,” where a quantum computer demonstrably outperforms a classical one for a specific task, is a key milestone on the horizon.
  • The development of quantum software and algorithms is crucial for unlocking the full potential of these machines.

Quantum Supremacy

Google’s claim of achieving “quantum supremacy” in 2019, where their Sycamore quantum computer performed a task deemed impossible for classical computers, has faced challenges on several fronts:

1. Alternative Algorithms:

  • IBM: In 2019, IBM argued that their Summit supercomputer could solve the specific task Google’s Sycamore tackled in 2.5 days, not the 10,000 years claimed by Google. This challenged the “impossibility” aspect of Google’s claim.
  • 2022: Researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences developed an improved algorithm for classical computers that could solve the same random sampling problem much faster than previously thought, further raising questions about the practical advantage of Google’s approach.

2. Measurement and Error Rates:

  • Critics argued that Google’s task was specifically designed to favor quantum computers and wouldn’t translate to real-world applications.
  • Concerns were raised about the accuracy of Google’s measurements and the potential impact of qubit errors on the final results.

3. Practical Applications:

  • Even if quantum computers achieve “supremacy” on specific tasks, critics argue it’s unclear when (or if) they’ll offer practical benefits for real-world problems.
  • The development of quantum software and algorithms that leverage the unique capabilities of these machines is still in its early stages.

4. Definition of “Quantum Supremacy”:

  • The term itself is debated, with some arguing it’s misleading as it doesn’t imply general superiority over classical computers.
  • The focus should be on identifying specific tasks where quantum computers offer a significant advantage, not just achieving “supremacy” on one particular benchmark.