Intervention Theory Essentials by Lloyd Pye

The book “Intervention Theory Essentials” by Lloyd Pye provides a comprehensive examination of the origins of the universe, life, hominoids, and humans. Pye discusses the emergence of life on Earth, starting with prokaryotic bacteria, eukaryotes, and the enigmatic Ediacaran biota, followed by the Cambrian explosion, which brought a wide array of sophisticated animal forms. The text delves into the major extinction events that shaped the evolution of life on Earth, leading to the emergence of new species and the survival of some existing ones. Pye also challenges the mainstream scientific explanation of evolution, highlighting the sudden appearances of new life forms and the absence of evidence for macroevolution, while suggesting an alternative theory involving Intragalactic Terraformers and outside intervention in the development of life on Earth.

Pye’s analysis begins with the emergence of prokaryotic bacteria during a tumultuous period of asteroid bombardment, followed by the arrival of eukaryotes and the enigmatic Ediacaran biota during Snowball Earth episodes. The Cambrian explosion brought about a sudden proliferation of complex life forms, leading to the emergence of new species, followed by major extinction events that paved the way for the survival and evolution of certain species and the appearance of new ones. These events, according to Pye, challenge the notion of gradual, natural evolution and point towards the involvement of outside forces in shaping the development of life on Earth.

Furthermore, Pye questions the Darwinian concept of macroevolution, as well as the mainstream scientific explanation of evolution, by highlighting the lack of evidence for gradual species transformation and the sudden appearance of new life forms. He suggests that the emergence of new species after extinction events and the absence of transitional forms challenge the conventional understanding of evolution. Instead, Pye proposes the involvement of Intergalactic Terra-formers or outside intervention in the development and diversification of life on Earth, providing an alternative perspective on the origins and evolution of life.

“Intervention Theory Essentials” presents a thought-provoking exploration of the origins and evolution of life on Earth, challenging mainstream scientific explanations and proposing an alternative theory involving outside intervention. Pye’s analysis prompts a reexamination of the conventional understanding of evolution and raises intriguing questions about the role of external forces in shaping the development of life on Earth.


The five major extinction events that have occurred over the past 500 million years. These events are as follows:

Ordovician Extinction:

Time Period: Around 445 million years ago
Key Events: A major ice age led to a significant drop in sea levels, impacting marine life.

Devonian Extinction:

Time Period: Approximately 375 million years ago
Key Events: Multiple factors, including climate change, oceanic anoxia, and asteroid impacts, contributed to the decline of marine species.

Permian Extinction (The Great Dying):

Time Period: Roughly 252 million years ago
Key Events: The most severe extinction event in Earth’s history, with complex causes including volcanic activity, climate change, and ocean acidification.

Triassic Extinction:

Time Period: Around 201 million years ago
Key Events: A combination of volcanic activity, climate fluctuations, and potential asteroid impacts contributed to the decline of marine and terrestrial life.

Cretaceous Extinction (K-T Extinction):

Time Period: Approximately 66 million years ago
Key Events: Often associated with a large asteroid impact in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, leading to the mass extinction of dinosaurs and many other species.

Each of these extinction events had worldwide consequences and marked the end of an era, followed by the beginning of a new era. These events have shaped the development of life on Earth and are crucial in understanding the timeline of life on our planet.

The book is available in hardcopy in major outlets.